The famous Darwin orchid, with large white flowers accented by 12-inch long nectary spurs! Darwin predicted the pollinator to be a moth with a 12-inch long proboscis. Years later, it was discovered to be true. The moth, Xanthopan morgani praedicta, named for Darwins prediction of such a moth, was found to be the official pollinator. It is nocturnally fragrant as the moths come out in the evening.
We have selected really good vigorous parental plants that have been in our collection for decades. These have large full flowers and the vigor has certainly transfered to our seed grown plants.
This species, native to Madagascar, typically flowers around the end of December to early January with the heavy waxy flowers lasting up to 8 weeks or more. These are quite fragrant at night. For best results, grow intemediate to warm and in medium light, allowing the potting mix to approach dryness between watering. These plants do not like excessive root disturbance. When repotting try to leave the roots in their natural shape and tease out any potting mix. Keep on the dry side for a week or so after repotting. A rare orchid in today's market.