Cold weather once again has our plant shipments on hold until further notice! Possibly resuming 2/17.
Habenaria regnieri
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A (natural hybrid) warm and shady growing, miniature terrestrial from Southeast Asia. These plants have beautiful leaves colored in a bluish green with white checks and spots. The hot pink flowers emerge in the summer to fall and last 6-8 weeks. This plant is terrestrial and has elongated tubers with roots that have fine root hairs. This species likes intermediate warm temperatures and somewhat shady conditions. The leaves will begin to yellow and fall after flowering and there will be no hint that there is anything alive in the pot. The tuber will still be there and during this dormant period (late fall and winter) one should continue to water the mix but only as it dries out. Once the new growths emerge in the spring, then water more frequently, allowing the mix to approach dryness. Many customers find this plant easy to grow just at a windowsill in the home.