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Paph. glaucophyllum
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This delightful lady slipper from Sumatra and Java can flower for a year to 18 months on the same spike! Each flower lasts about 3-4 weeks and is replaced by a new one. The plant will often begin a new spike from a new growth before the old spike finishes blooming, making this nearly a perpetual bloomer.
When a new growth begins its flower spike and the older growth is still flowering, it is best to cut the older flower spike off to put more energy into the plant for better growth and flowering. Low to medium light is best, water as the potting mix approaches dryness. You can always use the plant label to help figure out when the mix is dry. If you pull the label out and feel moisture on the end, then don't water. If you can't figure it out or it feels dry, then water. Feed every other week with our Green Jungle Orchid Food.