Cold weather once again has our plant shipments on hold until further notice! Possibly resuming 2/17.
Phrag. fischeri
select sib cross
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We are offering the progeny of a select sib cross of Phragmipedium fischeri, named for Jerry Fischer of Orchids Limited. These are some of the the finest fischeri available, with superb round shape and excellent color! Very useful in breeding. Like many Phrag species, Phrag. fischeri likes to have water at the roots. You can either stand these in saucers of water or water frequently. This species also likes a higher pH at the roots so if you have municipal water with a pH of 7.3 to 8.4, this plant will grow well. Alternatively, if using pure water, incorporate our Green Jungle Orchid Food or add some dolomite limestone to the top as a dressing twice per year.
Plants offered are select plants from our own collection.
This species is on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and is critically endangered from habitat loss and over-collection. There are fewer than 100 adult plants left in the wild. The Slipper Orchid Alliance has recently published a great series of articles about this species and the many fantastic hybrids that have been made with it. For more info and to join this great organization visit: .