This plant can be found growing in intermediate to warm conditions in Costa Rica, Chiapis Mexico and Panama at elevations of 3500 to 4700 Feet above sea level. In Costa Rica they have been found in the Monte Verde cloud forest. These hardy plants seem to tolerate heat well and tolerate cold conditions in winter. Best grown in New Zealand Sphagnum moss changing the moss every year and a half or so. Fertilize about once per moth as the moss holds a lot of nutrients. Grow in Low to medium light. In winter if you have cooler temps allow the moss to become slightly moist between watering. The somewhat tubular 1 CM simgular flowers have an interesting form with a fused scooped lip that has a hint of mahogany in it. The lip is quite small but dark burgundy/black in color and has a couple of opposite facing upper and lower horns that are lighter in color at the top. Additional flower spikes may emerge at the base while it is flowering. These are divisions of a plant that was originally collected in the 1970's. These plants can flower off and on throughout the year.