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Neofinetia Moss Pole and/or Neo Net Pots
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Yes, we know, this design is rather 'unique' in its looks. There are many ways to mound Neofinetia, often with a bottle or pole to help form the air pocket under the plant. Here we have a pole made in Korea that has optional net baskets to place on top to prevent collapsing of the sphagnum moss in the center. With the net pot, this moss mound will fit exactly in a K35 Plastic Neofinetia pot, or a 3.5" pot opening in general. Without the net pot, and with a minimal amount of moss, you can still fit into a 3" opening (like the K30 pot), but in general this size works best for 3.5" pots, and up to 4" if you use more moss. The pole can pivot so you can turn and add more moss as you create the mound.
*Note: These moss poles are expensive to import because of the shipping fees, etc. Hence the expensive $65 price tag.
Instructional video coming soon!
As of October 25, 2022: Only 1 pack of 5 Neo Net Pots in stock