Introduction to Neofinetia falcata
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Introduction to Neofinetia falcata (previously recorded)
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Message from Jason Fischer about this class:

As you may know, I have a reputation for my favorite orchid, the Neofinetia falcata. I’ve been curious about the plant since I was a teenager, and after living in Japan from 2001 to 2003, I decided to bring these mysterious plants into our product line after making some connections with Japanese growers. There’s so much interesting history and culture to this plant, that it can be overwhelming for the beginner (or even experienced) Neo-addict to comprehend at times! There is certainly enough content about Neofinetia for me to hold multiple classes on various topics, which I am planning for (see other archived classes)! I myself am constantly learning new things about this orchid.

The nice thing about these plants is that they are compact, collectable, fragrant when in flower, and have beautiful foliage to enjoy all year round. What’s not to like??

In this class, we will go over all of the basics so that you can start to organize your thought process of how these plants are cultivated, and have come to be what they are.

Here is the class topic breakdown:

- What are Neofinetia?
- Culture and history
- Foliage, roots and flowers
- Growing culture
- How to create the traditional moss mound
- How to read the labels! A lesson on Japanese pronunciation.
- How to display Neofinetia
- Great starter plants

Our classes are offered via Zoom with PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to pay. You will see an option to pay with debit or credit card as an alternative. The company name in which the class payments are processed is Ranman Orchids LLC.

This is an archived live webinar, any mention of coupon codes are expired/invalid.

Please allow up to 24 hours for Jason to manually send the link with the class to you via your e-mail after you purchase this archived class. We are working to automate this process soon.

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