Cold weather once again has our plant shipments on hold until further notice! Possibly resuming 2/17.
Coelogyne pulverula
(syn. Coelogyne dayana)
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One of our favorite Coelogyne's with long pendulous flower spikes that can be up to 3 feet in length orchid native to Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, and Java. Specimen plants. These have incredible pendulous sprays that can be up to 4 feet long, with fragrant white, tan and brown 1 to 2-inch flowers. This species likes Phalaenopsis to Cattleya light and wants to be watered as the potting mix (New Zealand sphagnum Moss approaches dryness. The flowers last about 3 weeks and this plant can flower a couple of times per year. The plants offered are specimen size with several growths.