For Volume 2, please see Item #13787. - OUT OF PRINT
For Volume 3, please see Item #13788. - OUT OF PRINT
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This benchmark study offers a definitive, unparalleled and up-to-date examination of all carnivorous plants currently recognised from the continent of Australia (1 Aldrovanda species; 8 Byblis; 1 Cephalotus; 163 Drosera; 3 Nepenthes; and 66 Utricularia). Carnivorous Plants of Australia Magnum Opus features in-depth, fully illustrated descriptions of all taxa, and introduces for the first time more than 20 new species, 4 new hybrids, and a number of new combinations and new records for Australia. This exhaustive work also includes a wealth of new information and location data, new observations, unique photographs and species distribution maps.
Carnivorous Plants of Australia Magnum Opus Vol 1
by Allen Lowrie
Editor: Alastair S. Robinson
Pages: 458
Images: 1010
Page size: 305 x 242 mm
Cover: hardcover with dust jacket
Volume 1:
Types of Carnivorous Plants
Habitats of Carnivorous Plants in Australia
Substrate – an important determinant in Drosera growth habits
The Groups of Australian Drosera
- Tuberous Drosera 30
- Pygmy Drosera 44
- Natural Pygmy Drosera Hybrids 52
- Man-made Pygmy Drosera Hybrids 56
- Perennial Tropical Drosera 60
- Miscellaneous Drosera 78
- Drosera indica Complex 78
Setocoris – the Sundew Bugs 80
Keys to the Carnivorous Plants of Australia:
The Species:
Introduction to the Species Descriptions
- Aldrovanda
- Byblis
- Cephalotus
- Drosera species A to F; aberrans, adelae, allantostigma, andersoniana, androsacea, aquatica, arcturi, aurantiaca, auriculata, australis, × badgerupii, × badgingarra, banksii, barbigera, barrettorum, basifolia, bicolor, binata, bindoon, brevicornis, broomensis, browniana, bulbigena, bulbosa, burmannii, caduca, callistos, calycina, × carbarup, citrina, closterostigma, coalara, collina, coomallo, cucullata, darwinensis, depauperata, derbyensis, dichrosepala, dilatatopetiolaris, drummondii, echinoblastus, eneabba, enodes, eremaea, erythrogyne, erythrorhiza, esperensis, falconeri, fimbriata, finlaysoniana, fragrans, fulva