Cold weather once again has our plant shipments on hold until further notice! Possibly resuming 2/17.
Phrag. kovachii ('Purple Cow' AM/AOS x 'Ray Raab' FCC/AOS)
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Native to Peru, this recently discovered species is quite fantastic with absolutely huge flowers! Here we have crossed the largest kovachii we have ever seen, the awarded 'Purple Cow' AM/AOS (which has had flowers as big as 22 centimeters across) with the perfection of the 'Ray Raab' FCC/AOS clone. We know there will be award winners from this cross! We have also discovered that this species grows best as seedlings in a Grodan cubed rockwool mix which is made from spun fibers of limestone. We blend in some perlite and a little charcoal for improved drainage. We use rain or reverse osmosis water and fertilize with Green Jungle Orchid food every watering, leaching heavily. We also flush with clear water once per month.
The plants we offer are well established and they should grow well for you. You can use an Orchiata bark but would need to use a water supply that has limestone added or top dress with powdered dolomite limestone twice per year to keep the potting media from becoming acidic. These are offered in very limited numbers as we are keeping some for continued breeding.
The first photograph is Phrag. kovachii 'Purple Cow' AM/AOS. The second photo is of Phrag. kovachii 'Ray Raab' FCC/AOS