

The Stunning Flowers and Foliage of Paphiopedilum Maudiae Types

The Stunning Flowers and Foliage of Paphiopedilum Maudiae Types

Posted by Jason Fischer on Sep 24th 2019

Today I’d like to share some information about one of the most hybridized type of Paphiopedilum, which is known as the ‘Maudiae’ hybrid. This all started in the year 1900, when England’s Charleswor … read more
We Bloomed TWO Corpse Flowers Just Days Apart!

We Bloomed TWO Corpse Flowers Just Days Apart!

Posted by Jason Fischer on Aug 13th 2019

We just experienced the lovely flower, yet foul-smelling Amorphophallus titanum (also known as the 'Corpse Flower'), twice! We were lucky enough to have two mature plants blooming in the same seaso … read more
​Weird & Wild Orchids Of The Summer

​Weird & Wild Orchids Of The Summer

Posted by Jason Fischer on Jun 18th 2019

Greetings, fellow orchid growers! For many orchids, summertime is the prime growing season where the goal is to prepare your plants for maximum flower potential in the fall to winter months, howeve … read more
The Growing Popularity of Neofinetia falcata

The Growing Popularity of Neofinetia falcata

Posted by Jason Fischer on May 25th 2019

I’d like to take a moment to talk about my favorite orchid, the Neofinetia falcata. It is a plant that grabbed my curiosity as a child. It was always so exotic, so unique, and something to look … read more
How We Develop Phragmipedium At OrchidWeb

How We Develop Phragmipedium At OrchidWeb

Posted by Jason Fischer on Apr 18th 2019

I thought I'd give people a look into how orchids are created from making the hybrid to flowering the plant. Orchids take time and patience, and each step is critical to ensuring a healthy and happ … read more